Holiday Detector - PinHole Detector

Holiday Detector - PinHole Detector

Holiday detectors - SAHD 

SAHD series are also known as spark flaw detectors, are commonly used in industrial non destructive control with the purpose to detect porosity, micro holes and thinnings on protection coatings of conductive cement and enamelled porcelains.

Corrosion is a diffused problem and if coating decay is underrated can appear structural damage with high resolution costs. Holiday detectors are ideal for ordinary maintenance and for quality controls of anticorrosion treatments on tanks, pipes, enamelled porcelain or other new concept installations .This kind of controls, with thickness and flaws controls, are the only that can ensure anticorrosion treatment adequacy. Every type of coating must be in accordance to certain parameters holiday detectors are fundamental both for customer, which can verify targets achievement, and for operator, which can demonstrate his work efficacy. Holiday detectors SAHD series are small and simple to use.

Even less experienced operators will be able to detect coating status on a conductive surface with few minutes of practice. Every time the instrument detect porosity or a thinning it will emit an acoustic/visual signal that allow to locate the micro hole possible cause of corrosion.

Application areas. Between different application areas of Holiday detector we’ll find industrial sector of coatings and coverage (especially on valves sector, pipelines, ducts, tanks, under pressure containers, painted structures) construction sector ( tarred covers) and all operations which provide insulating coatings to protect conductive substrates, subjected to corrosion by atmospheric agents.

Optional equipments:

Holiday detectors SAHD series can be customized according to measurement needs. Holiday detectors SAMA Tools can equip many types of probes like the spring and arc one. Spring probes are ideal to use the holiday detector when you’ll have to detect porosity, micro holes, and/or thinning on pipes and conducts of any size. The circularity of the optional probe spring allows to inspect the entire circumference of the pipe or conduct with a single step, with an advantage both in terms of time, and in detection accuracy. Depending on measurement need is possible to request spring probes of any diameter. Arc probe operate in a similar way, but thanks to his shape allow to make measure without constrain probe to measurement surface.


Modello / Model




AAS 3894.1 ; ASTM C 536 ; ASTM C 537
ASTM D 4787 ; ASTM D 5162-B ; ASTM G 62-B
BS1344-11 ; DIN 55670 ; EN 14430 ; ISO 2746 ISO 29601 ; JIS K 6766 ; NACE RP0274 

NACE SP0188 ; NACE SP0490

Campo di misura

Measuring range

0,05 ~ 7,5 mm

0,03 ~ 1,0 mm

Voltaggio / Voltage

0,5~ 30 KV

30 ~ 1.000 V

Sonda / Probe

Flat ; Fan

Uscita cuffie / Earphones output

Indicatore tensione

Voltage indicator


Allarme / Alarm

Dual alarm: visible signal and audio alarm ( earphone and buzzer )

Dimensione spazzole

Size of brushes

200 x 46 x 13 mm (flat)

190 x 160 mm (fan)

Lunghezza asta

Length of probe stick

185 mm

Alimentazione / Power supply

Rechargeable battery

Dimensioni / Dimensions

130 x 88 x 220 mm (main unit)

Ø 53 x 290 mm (probe)

Peso / Weight

2,2 Kg




Dotazione Standard / Standard Supply:
Unità centrale / Main unit

Impugnatura / Handle
Sonda a ventaglio e piatta / Flat and fan probes
Cuffie / Earphones
Asta / Rod
Cavo di massa / Earth lead
Valigetta / Carrying case
Manuale d’uso / User's manual

Accessori Opzionali / Optional Accessories:
Spazzola ad arco / Arc-shaped brush
Sonda circolare / Circolar probe
Certificato di taratura / Calibration report





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