Continuing the navigation on this website with browser set in order to accept the cookie, you automatically accept cookie policy of SAMA Italia S.r.l., and cookies will be set up and collected.
Each browser and different versions of the same browser often differ significantly each other. For this reason, you can manage independently cookies through your browser preferences and you can find detailed information on the steps required in the browser guide.
For an overview of the mode of action for the most common browsers, you can visit the address
For more information on data controller of your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy page.
What is a cookie?
Cookies are usually small text files sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.
Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on your next visit. Cookies of so-called "third parties" are set by another website, and not by the browser the user is visiting. This is because in each site can be present elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages in other domains, etc.) that reside on other servers.
Cookies are employed for different purposes: execution of authentication information, monitoring sessions, storing information about specific configurations of users accessing the server, the preferences, etc.
There are several types of cookies:
Cookies can be disabled or removed by using the available instruments in most browsers. Cookies preferences have to be set separately for every browser employed, because each one offers specific features and options.
Cookies differences for purpose
Technical cookies
Used to make browsing or provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes and are usually installed by the owner of the website. Without the use of these cookies, some operations may not be made or would be more complex and/or less secure, such as home banking activities (display of account statement, bank, pay bills, etc.) for which cookies, which allow you making and keeping the user identification in session, are indispensable.
Cookies analytics
The Guarantor (see Decree of 8 May 2014) stated that cookies analytics may be treated as technical cookies only if used for site optimization by the site owner, which can collect information on the number of visitors and on how they visit the site. Under these conditions, cookies analytics have the same rules of technical cookies regarding disclosure and consent.
Cookies profiling
Cookies profiling are employed to track user's navigation on the network and create profiles on his tastes, predilections, choices, etc. These cookies can transmit to the user's terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed by the user navigating online.
User choice and use of cookies
S.A.M.A. Italia srl does not put third party content on our own sites to include or use cookies or similar technologies for tracking purposes or capture personal information. If you think that third-party content can acquire personal information or use tracking technologies, email us at
List of all categories of cookies we consciously managed or hosted
Essential technical cookies
Our site employs essential technical cookies, necessary for its operation, for example, to allow login to the site and manage the cart.
Cookies of
The purpose of the cookie is the session maintenance, the cart and site login.
The purpose of the cookie is the maintenance of products and totals of mini-cart.
Performance and statistical cookies
Our site employs cookies analytics for statistical purposes and distributed by a third party (Google Analytics) that make the information anonymous, by obscuring part of the IP address not allowing traceability to individuals.
Google Analytics (file Evidon)
Google Analytics is the analysis tool of Google that helps website and app owners to understand how visitors interact with google contents. This service may use a set of cookies to gather information and generate statistics on websites use without providing personal information on individual visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is "__ga".
Google Analytics cookies
For Google Analytics cookies purpose: Details
For a general overview about the cookies used by Google: Details
Provider of a technological platform that enables data aggregation, analysis and creation of report to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing.
Provide Support cookie
Session identifier
Expires at the end of browser session
Cookie created by CloudFlare, CDN provider used by Provide Support to prevent attacks and to improve the service stability. This cookie is employed to override security restrictions based on IP original address of visitor. It does not create correspondence with user IDs in web application and it does not store personally identifiable information.