Salt Spray (FOG) Cabinets

Salt Spray (FOG) Cabinets

Salt Spray (FOG) Cabinets - SASSC88

The salt spray test is a standardized test method widely used to check corrosion resistance of coated samples. Coatings provide corrosion resistance to metallic parts made of steel, zamak or brass. Salt spray test is an accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to the coated samples in order to predict its suitability in use as a protective finish. The appearance of corrosion products (oxides) is evaluated after a period of time. Test duration depends on corrosion resistance of the coating; the longer is the test period without showing signs of corrosion, the more corrosion resistant the coating will be.  Nevertheless, salt spray test is mostly used in the industrial sector for  evaluation of corrosion resistance of finished surfaces or parts and in all processes where it is necessary to evaluate the resistance to salt corrosion.

The equipment consists of a closed working room, where a salt solution (mainly, a solution of 5% sodium chloride) is atomized by means of a nozzle. This produces a corrosive salt spray environment, exposing the parts to highly corrosive conditions.

The tests performed with a standardized 5% solution of NaCL are known as NSS (neutral salt spray). Results are represented generally as testing hours in NSS without appearance of corrosion products (e.g. 720 h in NSS according to ISO9227). Other types of tests are Acetic Salt Spray (ASS test) and copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray (CASS Test).

Modello / Model






ISO 4611 ; ISO 9227 ; EN 13523-8 ; ASTM B 117 ; ASTM B 368 ; ASTM B 380 ; ASTM D 1735

Capacità camera (escluso coperchio)

Room capacity (excluded cover)

108 Lt

270 Lt

480 Lt

800 Lt

Portacampione a V / Aste

V-shape sample holder / Poles

4 / 6

6 / 12

8 / 16

10 / 22

Capacità serbatoio soluzione salina Capacity of salt solution tank

15 Lt

25 Lt

40 Lt

45 Lt



1 pc

2 pcs

Capacità massima dei campioni

Max. sample capacity

28 samples (150×70mm)

70 samples (150×70mm)

108 samples (150×70mm)

120 samples (150×70mm)

Dimensioni camera (LxAxP)

Working room size (WxHxD)

600×400×450  mm

900×500×600 mm

1200×500×800 mm

1600×500×1000 mm

Apertura del coperchio

Cover opening



Consumo di soluzione salina

Salt solution consumption

Max 10 Lt/d

Max 20 Lt/d

Consumo di acqua per il riscaldamento

Water consumption for heating

Max 30 Lt/d

Max 40 Lt/d

Consumo d’aria compressa

Compressed air consumption

1 m3/h

2 m3/h

Temperatura della camera

Max. working room temperature


Temperatura dell’umidificatore

Max. humidifier temperature


Risoluzione temperatura 

Temperature resolution


Uniformità della temperatura

Temperature uniformity

≤ ± 2°C (no-load)

Stabilità della temperatura

Temperature stability

≤ ± 0,5°C (no-load)

Deviazione temperatura della camera

Deviation of working room temperature

± 1,0°C

Tempo di riscaldamento

Heating time

50°C less than 60 minutes (working room)                                           
63°C less than 60 minutes (boiler)


Power supply

220 V - 50/60Hz



2,2 KW

3,8 KW

Dimensioni (LxAxP)

Size (WxHxD)

1150×1090×672 mm

1450×1200×842 mm

2080×1285×1240 mm

2480×1520×1450 mm

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