High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges
  • High accuracy coating thickness gauges

High accuracy coating thickness gauges

High accuracy coating thickness gauges - SA8850

This model of thickness gauge is used to measure coating thickness over metallic bases. In F mode, it detects insulating (enamel/paint etc.) and non-ferromagnetic (aluminium/zinc etc.) coatings over ferromagnetic subastrates. In NF mode, it detects insulating (enamel/paint etc.) coatings over non-ferromagnetic subastrates. It is the perfect choice for quality control activities and any other industrial field where it’s needed to test coatings (electrolytic treatments, painting, automotive, maritime, construction, etc.). The instrument can also be used to measure the thickness of plastic film. This high-precision instrument is supplied with different types of probes to meet every need.


If equipped with the probe SA8850PRF10, it can measure thicknesses up to 9.999 μm, while with the probe SA8850PRF90 concave surfaces like inside pipes.








ISO 2178; ISO 2360 ; ISO 2808 ; ISO 1461 ; ISO 19840 : ISO 10074
ISO 2063 ; ASTM B 499 ; ASTM D 7091 ; ASTM E 376 ; ASTM G 12 
BS 5599 ; EN 13523-1 ; IMO MSC.215(82) ; IMO MSC.244 (83)
NF T30-124 ; SSPC PA 2 ; US Navy PPI 63101-000 ; US Navy NSI 009-32
AS 2331.1.4 ; AS 3894.3-B ; AS/NZS 1580.108.1

Sonda in dotazione

Supplied probe







Campo di misura

Measuring range

0 ~ 1.450 μm

0 ~ 400 μm

0 ~ 9.999 μm

Principio di funzionamento

Operating principle

FN type

(Magnetic induction Eddy current)

N type

(Eddy current)

F type (Magnetic induction)

Risoluzione / Resolution

0,1 µm ≤ 99,9 µm ; 1 µm > 100 µm

1 μm

Precisione cal. a un punto

 Accuracy one-point calibration

± 2% n

± 1,5% n

± 3% n

Precisione cal. a due punti

Accuracy two-point calibration

± 1 ~ 2% n

± 1 ~ 1,5% n

± 1 ~ 3% n

Ripetibilità / Repeatability

0,1 µm ≤ 99,9 µm ; 1 µm > 100 µm

5 µm ≤ 99,9 µm 10 µm > 100 µm

Spessore minimo substrato

Min. sample thickness

F type : 0,5 mm

N type : 0,3 mm

0,3 mm

0,5 mm

0,2 mm

2 mm

Diametro minimo base

Min. sample diameter

F type : Ø 5 mm

N type : Ø 7 mm

Ø 7 mm

Ø 5 mm

Ø 3 mm

Ø 40 mm

Memoria interna

Internal memory

20 files (up to 50 values for each file)

Uscita dati / Data output

Unità di misura

Measuring units

μm ; mil

Indicatore batterie scariche

Low battery indicator

Autospegnimento / Auto switch-off

Alimentazione / Power supply

AA batteries

Dimensioni / Dimensions

125 x 67 x 31 mm

Peso / Weight

340 g

Dotazione Standard / Standard Supply:
Unità centrale / Main unit
Sonda/e / Probe/s
Base/i azzeramento / Zero substrate/s
Spessori di calibrazione / Calibration foils
Valigetta / Carrying case
Manuale d’uso / User's manual

Accessori Opzionali / Optional Accessories:
Sonda ferrosa ad asta 90° / 90° rod ferrous probe
Cavo e software / Cable and software
Spessori di calibrazione / Calibration foils
Certificato di taratura / Calibration report

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