Automatic cross hatch tester

Automatic cross hatch tester

Automatic cross hatch tester - SADT535A

Cross hatch tester is mainly employed to determine if the various coats of paint are firmly anchored to the support and, in the case of several coats, to verify the adhesion between the different layers. Unlike the manual method, the automatic cross hatch allows an excellent repeatability of the test at a constant speed and force, eliminating the human factor that is often the cause of an ineffective test. The automatic cross hatch tester allows to obtain a uniform and constant cut, that’s why, when possible, it is recommended to choose this method.

Modello / Model



ISO 2409 ; ASTM D 3359-B

Spaziatura lame

Cutter spacing

0,5 ~ 5 mm

Carico di prova

Cutter load

1 ~ 50 N

Corsa di taglio

Cutting length

0 ~ 60 mm

Velocità di taglio

Cutting speed

5 ~ 45 mm/sec

Dimensioni campione

Test panel size

150 x 100mm

Spessore campione

Test panel thickness

0,5 ~ 20 mm


Power supply

220 V

Dimensioni (LxPxA)

Size (L×W×H)

535 x 330 x 335 mm

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