High precision digital Force Gauges
  • High precision digital Force Gauges
  • High precision digital Force Gauges
  • High precision digital Force Gauges
  • High precision digital Force Gauges
  • High precision digital Force Gauges

High precision digital Force Gauges

High precision digital Force Gauges - SADFG-P


Devices used to measure tension and compression force. Digital force gauges are able to convert measured values in different scales and their standard delivery includes software and communication cable in order to be connected to a PC.

There are several fields of employment in which they can operate: from quality control activities to safety gear maintenance like fire extinguisher and anti-panic doors controls. Various accessories grant a wide range of applications.



Modello / Model







ISO 376 ; ASTM E 74

Cella di carico / Load cell


Capacità / Capacity

10 N

1 Kg

50 N

5 Kg

100 N

10 Kg

500 N

50 Kg

1.000 N

100 Kg

Risoluzione / Resolution

0,01 N

0,01 N

0,1 N

0,1 N

1 N

Precisione / Accuracy

± 0,3% F.S.

Carico minimo

Min. load

0,2% F.S.

Unità di misura

Measuring units

N, Kgf, lbf, ozf, gf

Funzioni / Functions

Track ; Peak ; PreSet ( max/min )

Direzione del display

Display reading sense


Memoria / Memory

500 values

Uscita dati / Data output

Auto switch-off


Power supply

Rechargeable battery

Dimensioni / Dimensions

130 x 72 x 33 mm

Peso / Weight

400 g

Dotazione Standard / Standard Supply:
Unità centrale / Main unit
Adattatori per compressione e trazione / Compression and traction adapters
Prolunga / Extension rod
Cavo e software / Cable and software
Valigetta / Carrying case
Manuale d’uso / User’s manual

Accessori Opzionali / Optional Accessories:
Stampante / Printer
Impugnatura / Handle
Piattello per prove di spinta / Push disk
Supporto traino e spinta / Push and pull attachment
Pinze porta-campione / Clamps
Stativo / Test stand
Certificato di taratura / Calibration report


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